Almost every moment that I've written anything on this blog it has been with a joyful heart and much excitement. I haven't written in a few days because I've been struggling this week a bit- and figured I shouldn't write about it... but the more I think- that is exactly what this journey is about for me the good moments and the bad. This week has been 90% good with a few rough times in-between but it just so happens that in this very moment that I'm writing that I'm having a hard day.
First things first... I'd like to appologize to any and all of my teachers that I was ever a pain to (that covers ALL of them I believe) because this teaching business is no joke. I am EXHAUSTED. My students have been lovely... wonderful- they are my favorite part. The institute that I'm learning through has been a bit of a struggle. I'm really battling with what I believe versus their methodology... but I have to learn and take what I can from the program and be on my way in another week and a half (I can't believe it is going so quick). I know one thing I'M HAPPY THAT I'M NOT STAYING HERE LONGTERM. That is for all of you to hear back home.... Mom, Dad, Grandma... Grandma & Grandpa, Judy & Paul, Debby & Kerry..... all of you I AM coming home :). This has been one of the best experiences of my life and I am more then excited about teaching when I get home- but I could not stay and teach in Cuzco for many reasons.
The place is beautiful. Wonderful city to see- for a weekend & then move on... but this place does not have my name on it as home. I wish I had the opportunity to see more of Peru- but financially and time-wise I'm grounded here. Peru is a BEAUTIFUL country. I'll feel some relief to step off the plane in Lima again too!
So here is to the past three days being three of the hardest days that I can remember in a LONG time. I wake up at 6:00 am and get my cold shower (it is such a struggle for me getting in the shower every morning), get to school at 7:00 am before anything is going on and by the time I get out of school at 7:00 pm I have about 5 hours of homework and lesson planning to do. I go home and eat and go to my room and study. Three nights in a row I've slept with my computer and books in bed with me and wake up at some point mid-night to work a little more & try and get more sleep before the alarm goes off again. I will be more then relieved when this is all over. The part that I struggle with the most is not all the work- I miss being in college and studying like crazy- I actually love that part. The part that is really really hard for me is being enclosed in a building from when the sun is rising and leaving after the sun is set. I have a lunch break but I have to do homework during the break so that kills that. I NEED MY OUTDOOR TIME- where I breathe in some air and see the daylight. This weekend I'm hoping to be outside a bit.
My head is throbbing from over-kill on information and stress. I just need to take a deep breath. This is me being honest :). BUT I'm SO thankful for all of this and the opportunity to get this license- it will be me accomplishing one of my personal dreams... I am excited to teach, teach, teach!
Please know that even though I vented a bit I consider myself one blessed girl. See the pictures below and they will speak every word of why I'm here and how great my experience has been.
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