Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to the HUMP day....

I can´t believe it is Wednesday already... yet it feels like it should be Friday. The fact that my days are SOOOO long yet at the end of this week I´ll be DONE throws me off quite a bit. I wake up sometimes confused about where I am, what day it is, and why I´m trying to wake up after only a few hours of sleep..... but it is FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I´m starting to enjoy this a LOT. Not the sitting in class all day- but the teaching part is becoming more enjoyable. I´m able to enjoy being up there a little more then worrying about how it is all going. Tomorrow will be the BIG test when I have to teach a lesson on the grammar of the Future Perfect tense. Hmmmm.... how can I make grammar fun? That is tomorrows challenge.

BUT I´m CONVINCED that THIS DAY, Wednesday, Feburuary 11th (I think?) is going to be a brilliant day. Lots of good things in store for this day and I´m excited to see it all!

So here´s to a beautiful day in Cuzco, Peru... the sun is shining & there is learning and teaching to be had. Let the good times roll :). Bring on this day.....

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